Lentil & Cashew Nut Curry


  • 40 min
  • Serves 4-6
  • Easy


500g lean chicken breasts cut in bite-sized chunks (omit if you want a vegetarian curry)

2 tbsp fresh ginger, finely grated

3 cloves garlic, crushed

2 onions, chopped

1 red chilli, chopped

1 cup (160g) Natural Cashews

2 tbsp vegetable oil

1 tbsp ground coriander

1 tsp each turmeric and cumin powder

2 tsp garam masala

1 cup (200g) Red Lentils

4 cups vegetable or chicken stock, as preferred

Salt, to taste

Juice of 1 lemon

Fresh coriander leaves, to garnish

1 cup (190g) Quinoa



If adding chicken, mix in a bowl with the ginger and garlic. Cover and chill until ready to use. Place the onion, chilli and cashew nuts in a blender and process until smooth


Heat oil in a pan. Brown chicken all over then remove to one side. If not adding chicken then cook ginger and garlic in oil for 30 seconds. Add dried spices and fry for 1 minute. Add cashew nut paste; fry gently for 2 minutes, stirring continuously


Return chicken to the pan (if using). Stir in the lentils and stock. Bring to the boil then reduce heat to low, cover the pan and simmer for 20 minutes or until lentils are tender


Cook Quinoa in plenty of boiling water for 10-12 minutes until tender. Drain well in a fine-mesh sieve. Season with salt and pepper


Add lemon juice to curry and season with salt. Garnish with coriander.

Serve with Quinoa on the side