Dark Chocolate Blueberry Truffles

A delicious mixture of chocolate and blueberries that you can create sweet truffles with or get the kids to help out and have some fun in the kitchen and make Reindeer Pops. These truffles double as the perfect gift idea this Christmas, why not make a double batch?


  • 15 min
  • Serves Makes 25
  • Easy



1/2 cup cream

200g dark chocolate drops

50g soft butter, cubed

1/2 cup Blueberries, plus extra to decorate

1/3 cup Pistachio Nuts, toasted and roughly chopped

extra 250g dark chocolate drops (we love Donovans Chocolate)

Reindeer Pops

Cake pop sticks, if desired (for Reindeer Pops)

1/4 cup Dried Cranberries, to decorate Reindeer

1/2 cup Pretzel Bows, broken in half to make ‘antler’ shaped pieces



Place cream and chocolate in a heatproof bowl and set over a saucepan of gently simmering water, or microwave in short bursts, to melt. Whisk until smooth


Add butter and stir to combine. Stir in blueberries and nuts


Chill mixture for 2 hours or until firm. Roll mixture into 25 small, even-sized balls, place on a tray, cover, and chill


To coat in chocolate, line a tray with non-stick baking paper. Melt the extra chocolate, stir until smooth and allow to cool slightly


With a fork, pick up one truffle at a time and dip it into the melted chocolate to coat. Shake off any excess chocolate and place on the prepared tray to set


Decorate with extra blueberries placed on top

To give as presents, place truffles in individual foil or paper cases inside small, flat boxes; tie-up boxes with ribbons. Truffles will last well for up to 10 days if stored in a cool place


Reindeer Pops

To create Reindeer Pops, attach cake pop sticks to the base of each truffle before dipping in chocolate. Once dipped, press a pretzel ‘antler’ on each side of the reindeer’s head. Use a cranberry to make a nose. Press on blueberries to create eyes. Repeat with all the other Reindeer Pops.

Created by Julie Le Clerc