Ginger Banana Smoothie

Feeling a little fancy? Try this deliciously creamy ginger banana smoothie with nutty caramel drizzle. The glasses are first drizzled with a salted date and almond caramel sauce for something a little bit special, then topped to the brim and sprinkled with a little cinnamon.


  • 10 min
  • Serves 2
  • Easy



3 bananas, frozen

2 cups almond milk, or milk of your choice

2 tbsp honey or maple syrup

2 teaspoons apple cider vinegar

2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract

2 teaspoons ground ginger

1 teaspoon ground cinnamon

1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg

8 ice cubes

Caramel Sauce

½ cup Select Dates

¼ cup Natural Almonds (or nuts of your choice)

a pinch of sea salt

½ cup water to blend



Start by preparing the caramel sauce. Add all the caramel sauce ingredients into a blender, and blend until smooth. Transfer into a small jar


Then add smoothie ingredients into a blender, and blend until smooth


Using a tablespoon, drizzle the caramel sauce around the inside of two glasses, and then fill with the ginger smoothie


Sprinkle with a little cinnamon if desired.

Enjoy straight away!



To make blending easier soak the dates in 1/2 cup of hot water and allow to cool before bending. This will make the dates much softer and easier to blend.